CloudCIX team is continuously integrating, developing and updating cloud applications and softwares. Updates of a POD involves, updating PAT, COP and Region docker containers including bug fixes and new features. Use the follwing steps to keep your POD upto date.
This level 3 tool, pre-installed on PAT pod and used to update POD.
Setup a PC in PAT’s Management network (lets call PATstation), mainly for GUI interaction with tools on PAT.
Jumphost can be accessed via VNC Viewer or SSH access. so make sure a VNC viewer service is installed on your PATstation.
The IP address of Jumphost is <p>:d0c6::3002:3
where IPv6: say for a pod a:b:c::/48
range a:b:c:d0c6::3002:3
is the Jumphosts IP. And password is the one used for Jumphost VNC password when PAT Pod installed.
Use VNC to access VNC clients
Use Remmina to access all HyperV hosts and also KVM hosts.
Use Virtmanager to access VMs of a KVM directly.
Use terminal to accesss all the adopted Pod appliances via SSH.
From Jumphost terminl SSH into Pod Appliance.
On Pod Appliance, pod installer runs on login, ignore this task and so enter Ctrl+X to close.
Go to CloudCIX’s docker directory by:
cd /etc/cloudcix/docker
First update docker-compose.yml
file from cloudcix github repo, to do run:
curl f"{blend}/{pod_version}/docker-compose.yml -o docker-compose.yml
To pull new or update existing docker containers, run:
sudo docker-compose pull -d
To spin up new and updated containers, run:
sudo docker-compose up -d