The Compute App

The CloudCIX Compute App is used to create, mannage and delete compute and storage infrastructure.

Please watch the following video that explains how to build a simple project in CloudCIX…

Build your first CloudCIX Project

Snapshots and Backups

Snapshots and backups both allow you to revert a VM to a previous version. However, they have different purposes and are used very differently.


Snapshots create a point in time to which you can revert your VM if you need to. A snapshot is created almost instantaneously. A snapshot is intended to be used before updates and modifications are applied to a VM. If these updates and modifications cause problems then the shapshot can be reverted. A snapshot can be created and reverted almost immediately. However, a snapshot remains part of the VM for which it is created. If the VM becomes corrupted due to hardware failure or software errors then both the VM and all snapshots will be lost.



Backups create a full and separate copy of the VM. A backup can be used to recover from system failure or data corruption. Backups take time to complete and time to restore. While a backup is being created, you can continue to use the VM, but data changed after the backup commences will not be included in the backup. A backup includes all snapshots active at the time of backup.



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