4.7 Configure IaaS

To build cloud infrastucture, relations need to be defined in the DataBase that the CloudCIX software suite will use to control which Users can build, where they can build, and what servers the virtual infrastructure will be built on. The following relations are required:

  1. Set an Address to be a Cloud Region

  2. Set a User as the Robot for the Region

  3. Set up an ASN

  4. Set the storage types available in the Region

  5. Set the OS images available in the Region

  6. Set which addresses can build in the Region

  7. Add details of Physical Hardware to the DataBase

  8. Add Podnet to Franchisee App

Note: The Admin App is required for setting some of these relations in the following steps. The Admin App is only accessible by the COP owner. Adding hardware details and OS images to a Region through the Franchisee App can be completed by the Region owner.

Set an Address to be a Cloud Region

  1. Log into the CloudCIX Portal and open the Admin App.

  2. On the side navigation menu, select the Setup > Roles > Regions

  3. You will be presented with a list of Members. Select the Member where the Region Address will be.

  4. You will be presented with a list of Addresses in the Member. Press the Add Region button beside the Address that will be used as a Region.

Set up a User as the Robot for the Region

  1. Log into the CloudCIX Portal and open the Admin App.

  2. On the side navigation menu, select the Setup > Roles > Robots

  3. You will be presented with a list of Regions in your COP. Select the Region where the Robot will be.

  4. You will be presented with a list of Users in the Region. Click the Add Robot button beside the User you want to set as a Robot

Note: Some functionality of a regular User account is disabled for Robot accounts. CloudCIX recommends creating a dedicated User account for each Robot.

Set up an ASN

  1. Log into the CloudCIX Portal and open the Admin App.

  2. On the side navigation menu, select the Setup > ASN

  3. Input the ASN you own. This will be used for any IP Allocations you create in the IaaS app.

Set the storage types available in the Region

When building a VM you will be prompted to select what type of storage you want to use, HDD or SSD. To control what options are available on a per-Region basis. This is not currently available in the UI.

Set the OS images available in the Region

  1. Log into the CloudCIX Portal and open the Franchisee App.

  2. On the side navigation menu, select the Setup > Image

  3. You will see a list of all OS Images that are available for download from CloudCIX. Select all images you wish to support in your cloud.

Set which addresses can build in the Region

The owner of a Region sets the permissions for who can build on the cloud infrastructure. These permissions will become available through the UI in future updates.

Add details of Physical Hardware to the DataBase

Add Servers to Franchisee App

  1. Log into the CloudCIX Portal.

  2. Move your User to the Region Address where the Servers are installed.

  3. Open the Franchisee App

  4. Navigate to Setup > Servers from the side menu.

  5. You will be presented with a list of Servers. Click on the Create Server button.

  6. The following information is required for a new Server:

    • Model

    • Asset Tag

    • Storage Type

    • Number of Physical Cores

    • Ram Quantity

    • Storage GB Quantity

  7. Press Save and you will be returned to the list of Servers. To set IP addresses you will need to find the Server in the list and click on the dropdown button beside Edit, and click Interfaces from the dropdown menu.

  8. The following information is required for a new Interface:

    • Hostname (optional - required for management interface)

    • Details e.g. 1Gig, 10Gig

    • IPv6 Address (optional - required for management interface)

    • MAC address

  9. Press Save. Robot will now be able to connect to the Server to build VMs.

Add Podnet to Franchisee App

  1. Log into the CloudCIX Portal.

  2. Move your User to the Region Address where the Servers are installed.

  3. Open the Franchisee App

  4. Navigate to Setup > Routers from the side menu.

  5. Input the details of the Podnet machine, including the Model, login credentials, and interface names.

  6. Add the Floating Subnets to the Podnet. The Public IP addresses that will be assigned to VMs will be taken from this Floating Subnet.

  7. Add a Public Port IP. This IP must be from one of the Floating Subnet ranges. This IP will be what Robot will use to connect to the Podnet box.

  8. Press Save. Robot will now be able to connect to the Podnet box to build Virtual Networks.